Member-only story
Beluga In the Seine
Headline: A malnourished beluga whale that has swum up France’s River Seine
I have nothing positive to add to today, mostly I am a depressive at any rate.
Beluga Whales are magic, there is no one that can tell me otherwise. These smiling small white whales are spirit animals if there were ever such a thing.
One swam up our river a decade or so ago. People were enthralled with it. I only felt doom and worry. Not right for a Beluga to be this far south or up the river, I knew it wasn’t good.
I have only seen a Beluga alive once, in captivity at the aquarium in Chicago.
The man I was with wanted to stay and watch it more.
But I saw the whale there floating ethereally in the blue expanse of the tank, alone staring outwards at passersby.
It seemed haunted and accusatory and a prisoner.
I tried to drag him away by saying as much, but he looked at me and said I was always so negative.
I am not the type to rubberneck on an animal in captivity or in the wild, I feel they are either a prisoner or deserve their privacy.
Not that I haven’t stopped and taken photos of animals or birds and been grateful for the encounter, but I try and keep it well under a 10 Mississippi beat of time.
I hope they are able to rescue this lost Beluga, and get its bellyful and get it pointed homewards north.
The heat of this week, destroys me, sacks my soul, and leaves me listless and worried and sad.
My internal directions are all out of whack, my home here is gone and it is no longer what it was or what I wished it to be, and I have notions of other places, and spaces, but no motivation.
Feel I am just floating in a heated and brackish ebb tide waiting for the currents to change.