Member-only story
Day 10
There is a part in the book “The Road” where the man and the boy stumble upon someone’s bunker.
Undiscovered by years yet of scavenging in the new world of extreme want and destruction.
There was also a cistern in the bunker as I recall.
The boy had never had fruit. Imagine?
There were canned peaches in the bunker.
The father opened and ate first to test for poison.
Then fed to the boy.
Slowly they ate the peaches. Savoring. Amazed at the clean goodness of the flavor and washed down with clean cold cistern water.
In my memory they stayed there for a few days.
Resting. Sleeping. Warm. Fed. Clean water.
Novel foods the boy had never had.
They took what they could.
The father covering all back carefully that someone else might find.
A silent thanks to whoever had had the forethought.
And back to the grey cold road.