I am living at the family home I can’t recall the year.
My sister and I in an argument at top of bedroom steps. She pushed me down and I tumble the whole flight down and bang into wall at bottom.
We are early 20s or late teens.
My mother comes out of her room. Looks down the stairs at me where I am relatively unhurt but in shock.
They both look down on me.
My mother looks at my sister and said,
what would you do if you had to take care of her – for the rest of her life?
I don’t remember an apology or what happened after.
Truthfully – I was a bully to my sister when we were adolescents and pre teens.
It wasn’t healthy and there was no parent around to protect us from each other.
I saw how everyone loved her, was charmed by her. I was jealous. Always have been.
When we were worked together in the restaurant years later – I would bring her around to frenimies parties and watch the boys circle her and their girlfriends get green with jealousy.
I never tried to put on a shine or go toe to toe as we got older.
I withdrew more from the family and my mother and father would dine and shop and travel…