Photo by Christian Gunn on Unsplash

I wogged again

S.E. Bourne


Sleepless last evening. I woke at 5 am and took my loop walk through town. The sun rising bright and clear, and off in the horizon my family home. I stood and stared.

I wogged but a few yards. The purpose is to hope to exhaust my nervous system which has me hostage since the worm moon.

My heart feels like it could crawl out of my chest and walk away and the tears won’t stop.

Curled in bed with the blinds closed I managed at least to sleep when I returned to the apartment with dawn in full. Only two hours.

The insomnia as late has been noticeable and unwelcome.

I have just taken two Benadryl.

There is light office work to do, this apartment to clean.

And all I can do is cry.



S.E. Bourne

“If this is all I get, I will take it.” *S.E. Bourne