Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

Laid Off August 2021

S.E. Bourne


In August 2021, I was told I was being replaced by someone more junior.

They said they could still use my help so my term date was open ended.

I think they were hoping I would get hired before they had to provide a package.

I had loved that job. I was so sick for a year before I landed there. It was like a blessing.

I didn’t loath anyone, people were funny and hardworking and down to earth.

I remember one of my factory boys — when I told him he looked devastated for me.

I read on his face in a flash that at my age, with my personality and mid pandemic that it was going to be hard for me to find another full time job.

He didn’t say that, but I read it in his eyes in a seconds flash.

Miss that kid. He was funny as hell and just getting married.

I loved acting like a bossy and well meaning older sister and we enjoyed many a conversation and a joke.

I found work since. One job was six figures. I have never made six figures in my life. But the people were so toxic and my nerves so shot — I basically had a nervous breakdown and quit.

I can’t even imagine looking for a job anymore.



S.E. Bourne

“If this is all I get, I will take it.” *S.E. Bourne