Put Susie down. November 30th 2017.

S.E. Bourne
2 min readAug 31, 2024



Susie had become very unsteady on her legs. Stumbling just to get up the three steps to the apartment entrance.

It had been a year since she was last able to jump into bed with me.

I was working 5 days a week and 40 minute commute each way.

Our walks became more infrequent and she seemed reluctant to bother at all.

Her appetite was failing and she was often having loose bowels.

Poor thing seemed so embarrassed — though I never raised my voice and kept reassuring her that it was fine.

I had planned to bring her into the vet on the 16th of November to have her put down.

It had been a year down hill.

She was in pain and it showed.

Heating mattresses and steroids and fish oil weren’t working anymore.

The morning of the 16th was a beautiful fall day. The town was quiet and a mellow feeling in the air.

Fresh breeze and warm sun.

We ate and went for a walk. She seemed renewed.

I called the vets and cancelled.

We spent the day with her sleeping in a patch of sun by the open back door. Her head rested against my foot.



S.E. Bourne

“If this is all I get, I will take it.” *S.E. Bourne