Photo by Jacob Bentzinger on Unsplash

The Party

S.E. Bourne


My mother has gone for the weekend. I have a party. We had lots of parties at the house when she was gone – which was more often than not.

It is a hot night. The midgies are out and we take refuge inside the house.

Music up loud and everyone dancing.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door and my father enters.

He lives blocks away and had never broken up or seemed to know of our parties before.

I move towards him and try and sweet talk and move him to the door.

The music is still going but everyone has stopped and has made their way outside through any door they can get through.

He glares at me, towers over me. He is 41 and I am 17.

He rushes me all 6ft and 200lbs of him. Rushes his 17 year old young daughter.

Puts his hands and grabs my shirt front and shoves me into the living room wall and pins me up.

His face a red fury just inches from my own as his spittle hits my cheeks. His eye is wild the glass one so real it too seems alive and enraged.

His gold teeth flash from the back as he is screaming at me.

One of the older boys comes in and turns the music off.

Sir, sir we are leaving. Everything is okay. Please sir.



S.E. Bourne

“If this is all I get, I will take it.” *S.E. Bourne