Tomato plant, Hunter Thompson, and Smiles

S.E. Bourne
5 min readAug 23, 2022

Yesterday there was wind and heavy rain (finally). My lone tall healthy tomato plant took a sharp bend a the top. I was crushed and felt it was done for.

Quickly I readjusted the plant on the trellis pole and put a light twist tie just above the break and spread out the sap and water on the snapped stem.

It stood up, the pole and tie aiding its new training. I checked the break through the night. At one point in the dark, I could see the offshoots coming back, water getting back into their veins.

This morning the tomato plant stands almost as if never damaged. I think I will not bother with plant tape, see what happens. There seems a hardened sap knot along the break.

All repairs were done in just hours. The offshoots are fully hydrated again, seemingly fine.

I thought of an old co-worker last eve. A strange young man. Very wealthy on his own, from a wealthy family. He was a high-level finance guy, and we all suspect at some point he will be CFO if not CEO.

My friend Paul and I also pondered that he was in some sort of secret intelligence family. He spoke 7 languages. He was brilliant beyond common intelligence. He had a wife that was Brazilian and stunning and classy and when you looked at him initially, you were sort of in awe that he could…



S.E. Bourne

“If this is all I get, I will take it.” *S.E. Bourne