Photo by Nathan Thomassin on Unsplash


S.E. Bourne


In it – way out to the Irish Sea.

Worries high and sticky. Can’t shake them or get calm. The heat boils me even though I am shut away in AC.

I tried to reach out to my sister, she is exasperated with me. Saying I have been this way all my life and I need change.

The fact that this is an actual physical ailment eludes her. The fact that I just need simple reassurance annoys her.

She is too tough for sympathy.

I haven’t talked to my fairy god mother is weeks. I think she too is put off that I am sick and inelegant about it.

I wish I felt braver.

I wish I were stronger.

Two more drs tomorrow. Dermatologist and Surgeon.

My appetite disappeared yesterday.

Any feeling of well-being that came out of nowhere last week is gone.

Just have to embrace the suck.

Keep my head as best I can and embrace the suck.



S.E. Bourne

“If this is all I get, I will take it.” *S.E. Bourne